A Reel Life film section
Issue: 2018 Summer (Dec-Feb)
Holmes & Watson (2018) movie review
Bumbling Buffoonery is a Bore

A consultant private detective in 1880s London is called upon by Queen Victoria to solve a murder that is discovered at the palace. Sherlock Holmes (Will Ferrell) and his companion Watson must solve the crime with the assistance of a (horrors!) female American medical doctor (Rebecca Hall).
Let me break the fourth wall and get it over with -- there is something reassuring about the ability of Will Ferrell to appear in arrant rubbish.
Please do not think that this is a clever satire of Sherlock Holmes in particular or the private investigator genre generally, it isn't. This is a lame two hour string of dirty jokes (sex, bodily functions, etcetera) and single entendres. It is painful to watch and a shocking waste of production time and money.
In script-writing class we were told that in Hollywood one out of four of scripts that have a beginning, a middle and an end and are properly formatted get made. I am so pissed off on behalf of the three that didn't get made here.

John C Reilly, Pam Ferris and Will Ferrell in Holmes & Watson (2018) movie still
The Don't Have A Clue
This is a pointless, talentless, charmless hack of a script that has been made into a pointless, tasteless, charmless piece of drivel with absolutely no excuse for existing except some company's hope that it will make money for expensive suits, cars and lunches.

Do yourself a favour, and unless you consider poo-poo jokes the height of humour, spend your valuable time on something else.
IT'S A B0Mb!
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Ali Kayn is a freelance photojournalist and the founding editor of Festivale Online Magazine. Festivale was founded in October, 1996 to provide mentorship to developing writers, an outlet for talented fans, and a test bed for software and hardware under review. She lives in Melbourne, Victoria with a garden full of birds.
Ali Kayn contributor page
For more about Ali Kayn click here
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Due for Australian release 26 Dec, 2018 (2018-12-26) |
Just the facts:Title: Holmes & Watson (2018) The Players: Will Ferrell, Pam Ferris, John C. Reilly, Rebecca Hall, Rob Brydon, Ralph Fiennes, Hugh Laurie, Official website: https://www.sonypictures.com/movies/holmesandwatson IMDb entry For scheduled release dates, see the coming attractions section. For more information about this movie, check out the internet movie database. |