About Festivale
Festivale online magazine has several basic sections:
To see the contents of the current issue of Festivale, click on the Contents button, or the word "contents" on any clickable heading. If you are not familiar with clickable images, use your mouse to move the pointer over the image above. Note how the pointer changes shape over some parts of the image, those are 'hot spots' which, if you click on them, will transfer you to another part of the current page, the current site, or even to another site.
Cover Stories
To see all previous Festivale featured stories, use our yellow search boxes, they appear all over the site.
Once you've looked around the site a bit, you'll probably just want to know what's changed. The change history has a list of upload dates, each with links to the major pages changed on Festivale that day. To get to this page from elsewhere in the site, click on the what's new button (see left), or the words "latest uploads" when they appear in a clickable heading.
You can register the page and be notified of each upload date. Several pages on the site have these buttons, including the list of film reviews, and pages that we expect to change in the future.
We welcome constructive comments about the content of the site, and most pages have an e-mail button (see left) or textual link. Book and film reviews have buttons that link to reader comment forms. If you find an error on a page, please let us know by clicking on the bug report and completing the form. For sites as large as Festivale (over 400 files) it is impossible to test everything, so your help is appreciated.
The Pictorial Guide and Maps
Pictorial Guide to Melbourne and Victoria
The guide is slowly growing as we visit various places of interest. We are starting from Melbourne and working our way out.
The pictorial guide includes:
There is an index of all maps on the site.
The master list is the front of the Pictorial Guide
Film Section
The film section includes:
Online Shopping Mall
Looking for places to shop online? The online shopping mall is a great place to start. The mall includes a stores page, which has entrances to all the online stores in the mall.
The books page has entrances for stores that sell books, plus links to interviews, reviews, and our author pages.
The movies page has entrances for stores that sell videos, DVDs and soundtrack CDs, plus links to interviews and reviews. Festivale has links directly to online stores from our reviews pages.
The online stores also sell toys, electronic goodies like cameras, furniture and much more.
Book Section
The book section includes a cover page called the Bookroom. An automatic transfer page sends you to the latest version. Use the contents button to leave the section. Some users may need to double-click on their back button to prevent being returned to the Bookroom page.
Technology Bytes
News and reviews, articles about computers and the web
The Usual Questions
An interview project where we ask the same questions of film-makers, authors, and other celebrities.
See the list of people interviewed.
Free Stuff
We regularly change the following:
Other snapshots of Festivale include: