This page lists some of the authors who appear in Festivale including those we have interviewed. This does not include everyone for whose work we have published reviews.
The Usual Questions (interview) are short interviews where all the authors are asked the same questions, they are fun to compare.
The usual questions is a set of standard questions that we ask many people, including writers and editors, performers and the occasional puppet. For a list of everyone who has answered the usual questions, click here.
Bibliographies (reading order) are not meant to be complete lists of the authors works. They are a reading guide, especially for series where the reading order is important. Reviews of books for that authors are linked to the bibliographies.
How do we choose which authors we include? Sometimes publicists offer us interviews, sometimes we learn that writers are attending writer festivals or science fiction or crime fiction conventions or club meetings, or other functions.
Because we have the Series Series project, we are giving priority to writers of series, or large bodies of work. It's a joy to discover a new author who has a whole shelf full of fun and adventure (or soul-searching angst) to read your way through. Of course series are the big delight of readers, writers and publicists in the genres -- science fiction, fantasy /speculative fiction, crime and mystery fiction, horror and so forth.
There are also news stories in the Bookroom, and book reviews. If you are looking for a particular author who is not listed here, try the gold site search at the top or bottom of each page.
If you are looking to buy new or used books online, we have a list of online book stores in the online shopping mall, including shops like Amazon who can provide help in finding source second-hand books.
Other things to search for: "crime", "science fiction", "fantasy",or "book review".

AAbela, Deborah Abnett, Dan Adams, Douglas Adams, Khloe Alexander, Alma Alexander, Goldie Alexander, Maria Ambrose, E. C. Anderson, Kevin J. Anderton, Joanne Antonelli, Lou Apter, Jeff Aronovitz, Michael Arsenault, T. G. Asimov, Isaac Robots, Foundation & Empire Series BBaker, Tony Barnes, Steven Lorna Barrett see Lorraine Bartlett Lorraine Bartlett Battles, Brett Baxter, Alan Benson, Raymond Bentley, Jennie de Bethune, Ziana Black, J Carson J Carson Black: An Author By Any Other Name Blackford, Russell Blake, Marc Blake, Margaret Bledsoe, Alex Block, Lawrence Bernie Rhodenbarr (Burglar) series Bodner, Hal Bond, Royce Bonnewell, David Rex Booth, Max Boye, Kody Usual Questions (interview) Brandon, Paul Braun, Lilian Jackson Featured article by Patty Inglish The Cat Who Books bibliography Brawn, Jason Briere, Michele Broderick, Damien Brookins, Cara Browne, Robert Gregory Bruce, Suzie Buckingham, Carson Burrough, C. S. Byers, Richard Lee CCagle, Christy K. Cain, Kenneth W. Cane, Laken Cantrell, Rebecca Caress, Jennifer Carter, Dee Leana (D. L.) Caselberg, Jay Casil, Amy Sterling Cassiday, Bryan Cherryh, C. J. Child, Lee Churchill, Vince Clark, Margaret Cole, Allan Cole, Mason Coletta, Sue Collins, Colleen Collins, Paul Conner, Jack Constantine, Storm Corey Daniells, Rowena Czerneda, Julie The Usual Questions (interview) DDanker-Dake,Joshua Dann, Jack Dart-Thornton, Cecilia Datlow, Ellen Davidson, Rjurik Davies, Jeremy Davis, Lauren B. Davis, Milton J. Dedman, Stephen Dellamonica, Alyx Devenport, Emily Dingli, Rosanne Dionne, Karen DiLouie, Craig Dornbusch, Betsy Doyle, Mary (M. L. Doyle) Draa, Douglas Dunbar, Robert Dunham, T. Fox |
EEdghill, Rosemary Edwards, Hazel Ellison, Harlan Emerson, Earl Evanovich, Janet FFaherty, J. G. Febry, Diana J. . Feist, Raymond E. Guest columnist, Raymond E. Feist Recommends Fenn, J. Lincoln Fenn, Jaine Files, Gemma Fison, Julie Flavell, Satima Fortune, Mary Featured article by Lucy Sussex (archived) Fowler, Christopher Fox, Candice Freeman, Bob Freivald, Patrick Friday, Wednesday Lee Frost, Gregory GGerrold, David Usual Questions (interview) Gervay, Suzanne Goodman, Alison Goldberg, Lee Usual Questions (interview) Grafton, Sue Grau, T. E. Greenberger, Robert Greenwood, Kerry Featured interview (1998) by Ali Kayn Gunn, Eileen HHaldeman, Joe Harding, Lee Hardinge, Frances Harland, Richard Harris, Charlaine Harris, Joanne Hartley, James A. see Jay Caselberg Heuler, Karen Hiebert, Michael Hines, Jim C. Hood, Robert Hornsby, Wendy Howarth, Matt Huff, Tanya Hughes, Rhys IIrvine, Ian Ivanoff, George JJacobs, Anna (a.k.a. Shannah Jay) Jak, Sable Jansen, Mike Jefferson, Ronan Jackson Jordan, Linda Jones, Howard Andrew Jones, Stephen Graham Jordan, Robert KKane, Paul Kasturi, Sandra Kayn, Ali Keene, A. Henry Kelly, Ronald Kilpatrick, Nancy King, Jackie Klavan, Laurence Knight, Brian Knight, T. M. Kress, Nancy The Usual Questions (interview) Rusch, Kristine Kathryn LLabbe, Rod Lamberson, Gregory Langan, John Langan, Sarah Lansdale, Joe R. Usual Questions (interview) Lazellari, Edward Lemmons, Wayne Luckett, Dave ![]() ![]() |