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DSM IV verses Acme Industries: Are Our Cartoon Heroes Mentally Healthy? (Dee Leana Carter)

Snow Your Own Way - Alpine National Park

Follow the NSW Whale Trail this Winter

Monsters and Good Thoughts: The Art of Enjoy Su (Ali Kayn)

Australian Protest Music Addresses Worldwide Issues (Videos)

Capturing the Cosmos at the Melbourne Planetarium (Ali Kayn)

Singularity au Go-Go: Artificial Intelligence in SF Movies (Terry Frost)

Macabre Visions: An Interview with Joel Stephen Birnie (Destiny West

March Madness: Events and Festivals in Melbourne and Victoria (Tourism Victoria)

SF Franchises and Contemporary Science Fiction (David Gerrold)
Grand Tradition Science Fiction: Stories that Want to Have Fun (Bascomb James)
Unintended Invention: The Fantasy of Manners (Ellen Kushner)
Casper Jean Rimbaud: The World Seen Darkly (Destiny West)
Day of the Dead Warehouse Project 2015 (Dee)
Get Ready Cyberfunkers: Black Science fiction (K. Ceres Wright)
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Western writing (Julia Robb)
The Enduring Immortal Vampire (Rhiannon Frater)
My Virtual World of Digital Memories: Saving Your Precious Mementos (Ali Kayn)
Dystopian Literature: Science Fiction That Borders on Horror (Leigh M. Lane)
Female Private Eyes in Fiction: From Lady Detectives to Hard-Boiled Dames (Colleen Collins)
David Gerrold and the Crunch of Ideas (interview by Ali Kayn)
For posts about Melbourne events, places, news, reviews, giveaways, see our Facebook Page:
Steampunk: A Marvellous Excursion (feature article by Michael Pryor)
Defining Horror (feature article by Jeani Rector)
History and Culture in Plants - The Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne (photostory)
High Tea at the Hotel Windsor: A Melbourne Treat
Melbourne's Immigration Museum (photostory)
Kerry Greenwood: Miss Phryne Fisher's Mistress of Murder
Turn Your Computer into a Virtual Album or Noticeboard
Australian writer, editor, bookseller and publisher Paul Collins recently received the A Bertram Chandler Award for lifetime achievement in Australian science fiction. Read our featured interview with Paul Collins.
Evie In "The Mummy Returns": Hiding The Female Hero In Plain Sight By Alex Bledsoe
E-Readers, or Living with Paperless Books By Ali Kayn
E-Books: How, Why, What-On; Can A Computer Do It?
By C. J. Cherryh
A Cat Named Kao K'o Kung (Patty Inglish)
Sunday around Albert Park Lake (Ali Kayn)
Motor-head Melbourne (Ali Kayn)
Toys of the Melbourne International Motor Show (Ali Kayn)
Ill-met-- public transport in Melbourne
Kerry Greenwood: Jazz Age Murder and Mayhem (Ali Kayn)
Anne McCaffrey: The Lady from Dragonhold
Fiction of Tomorrow (Wynne Whiteford)

Peter Fonda: American Son (Ali Kayn)

Hong Kong Hits Hollywood (Mark Morrison)
Riding Puffing Billy: A steamy weekend in the Dandenongs
Significant Koorie sites in inner city Melbourne (Ali Kayn (photostory)
Majel Barrett, Part of the Star Trek Legacy (Ali Kayn)
Val McDermid (Ali Kayn)
Gardens of Melbourne (Ali Kayn (photostory)
I Remember Tomorrow (Ali Kayn)
Robert O'Reilly, and interview with Star Trek's Gowron (Ali Kayn)
Oz Odyssey: A Personal View of Science Fiction Writing from a Fan Down Under (Bruce Gillespie)
Penguin Pursuits: A Trip down the Yarra to see the Little Penguins (Ali Kayn)
Terry Pratchett: Master of Fantastic Humour (Ali Kayn)
Science Fiction Film: the interesting old stuff (Terry Frost)
Star Wars Memories (Ali Kayn)
Star Wars: The End of an Era (Loraine Smith)
City on the Edge of the Yarra (Ali Kayn (photostory)
Autumn in Melbourne (Ali Kayn (photostory)
Melbourne at Your Feet: Railto Towers (Ali Kayn (photostory)
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