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More responses to Titanic from our readers. Readers Comments Wow, we have a wonderful response to this film. This film has been the most popular page on the site for days, which has no film has done before. Festivale will grow the way readers want it to, if you people would like to see a forum here, let us know. See also:
David Gerrold's review
This film was my kind, a love story, a disaster, not something easily marketed. I love it. The effect it had on the audience was astounding. I heard and saw people weep, and this connected us all, like no film I've seen. This was a moving picture, of the tragedy, of the truth, of the majesty of the last great marvel of the Industrial Age. I wish I had words to describe it. I don't think anyone ever will. It was an art in itself.
-- Mary Kay
After much anticipation, yesterday I made a 30 mile trek to the movies 14, to catch the first showing of the film Titantic I knew I was in for 3 and half hours. I would like to say, that in 30 years of going to the cinema, Titantic made me laugh, angry, smile, and even cry. I don't think I have enjoyed an experience like before ever. The audience was perfect, and the film beautiful.I did not notice the time, i never looked at my watch once.Will see it again over and over. Thank you James Cameron for Titantic -- Tom As an avid film buff, I eagerly anticipated the release of Titanic and was amazed that the picture was even better than I had hoped. We haven't had a classic American epic of this scope in years, one so utterly entertaining and universally appealing that it bears comparison to..........(Mr . Cameron, quick grab some ice for your swelling head) Gone With the WInd. A sweeping period piece, an enthralling love story, a microcosm of human emotion and class divisions--all set against the backdrop of tragic world-event that everyone is familiar with and many are still fascinated by today. Add to this the meticulous recreation of a large-scale catastrophe-- replete with precision editing, art direction and costuming--and it adds up to one of the most visually stunning films Hollywood has ever produced. I particularly enjoyed the framing device of of modern-day Rose recounting the story from her viewpoint, which endowed the film with a haunting quality--exactly what Mr. Cameron was aiming for, I'm sure. And although the dialogue might at times be termed "Hollywood hokey" (as could the suspense sequence of involving Jack's near-fatal handcuffing down below) these aspects are what separate great Hollywood storytelling from ordinary documentary. This is Hollywood filmmaking magic at its best. -- Jon ( rdhentrprs@aol.com) I have never seen a movie that touched the heart and soul so much. Titanic made you feel like you were on the ship as it was sinking. You felt the love that Jack and Rose had and felt. I hardly cry at movies but Titanic was a big exception. I touches the heart and soul of all people. Jack and Rose seemed real I think because they had a love that everyone in this world dreams of having. Titanic truly is the best movie I have ever seen. I touches your heart in so many ways. -- Jasmine There are more reader reviews, just click here. |
I think that the movie Titantic was dabomb. It was
not just a story of a ship reaching the great dept ocean
floors but it was a true love story that was shared
between Leo and Kate. Kate, being engaged to her bratty
fiance, had fallen in love with Jack (Leo). They soon
started to spend there time together and soon the other
man became immensely jealous. The two, fighting over
her, struggle through the sinking of the ship. Leo
and Kate soon escape and float out to sea, waiting for
someone to rescue them. Leo dies and right after
he does, they come and rescue Kate. What a sad, most
girls are sad at this piont because of what happened
to Leo Jeffrey Czech I thought the movie was excellent. It did not seem like 3 hours and 15 minutes. I was so capitivated by what it must have been like to be on the Titanic that I read all about the history of the ship after seeing the movie. This movie is a definate must see. Lyn C. (flocco@hotmail.com)
very entertaining, you just watch and watch without realizing that it is a three hour movie .. an unforgettable piece
beautiful music and visual effect
a collection item ! S3L1N4 This is the most emotional movie I have ever seen. I laughed, I cried, I got angry and I left feeling sad. It's all the more sadder because you knowwhat happens at the end. This movie really pulls at your heart strings and makes you question what you would do in the same situation. James Cameron is a genius! Heather Araskiewicz Titantic is one of the best films of the year, if not the best. This film is beautifully done, and the actors were superb. Kate Winslet did the most incredible performance I've seen. I am an inspiring actress, and would very much like to have a film career such as hers. Leonardo Dicaprio did a very good job as well....he portraid his character very well. All in all, this is a powerful and wonderful movie.....congrats to all who played in it. Billy Zane (wonderful, but wicked)... Kathy Bates (very well done, although a small part) and James Cameron......the best directing job......
Titanic is the absolute best movie of all time!!! -- Jennine Mac Neil |
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