A Reel Life film section
Winter 2000
X-Men (2000) movie review
Other Heroes

Movie poster, X-Men; Festivale film review
Join the Evolution
Evolution, tracked through fossils, shows gradual growth, then a jump. In the X-men universe, the next jump is a wide range of mutations creating, inevitably, super-heroes and super-villains.
The X-men, lead by Professor Xavier a.k.a. Cerebro (Patrick Stewart), seek peaceful co-existence with the humans. The others, lead by Magneto (Ian McKellan) Xavier's ex-friend, seek dominance. And between the two are the fear-mongers and bureaucracy who seek to establish compulsory registration.
Similarities between the Nazis gathering Gypsies, Jews and homosexuals, and those who seek to ostracise or 'save' homosexuals are drawn obtrusively. This is a comic-book/graphic novel world, after all - part of the Marvel universe.
This film is one of the new breed of action/adventure/special effects movies and you can expect characters and relationships to be drawn with very broad strokes. Having struggled through a second watching, this reviewer suggests that once is probably enough. However, if bam-bam action is your thing, go to it.
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reviewed by Ali Kayn |
Just the facts:Title: X-Men (2000) The Players: Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, Ian McKellen, Famke Jansset, James Marsden, Halle Berry, Anna Paquin, Bruce Davison Official website: Marvel Teams and Groups< IMDb entry For session times of current films, use the cinema listings on the Movie links page. For scheduled release dates, see the coming attractions section. For more information about this movie, check out the internet movie database. |