A Reel Life film section
Issue: Winter 2004
Spider-man 2 (2004) movie review
When A Boy Loves A Girl
Peter Parker, Spider-Man, has a crisis of purpose. He is struggling to live his life when he is constantly stopping for heroics. The love of his life moves on and he cannot hold down a job -- Spider-man must go. However Peter's hero is taken over by a an artificial intelligence of his own creation, becoming Dr Octavo, the city and its people are in grave danger. Will Peter step up? Will M.J. marry someone else?
In this flimsy story we are not deeply engaged and concerned about the characters. Rather, we watch a long-winded action-or-inaction flick while the actors walk through their roles.

Movie poster, Spiderman 2; Festivale film review
Sacrifice Destiny Choice
Yes, there is the usual special effects, excited music and racing about, but those things support a story, they can't make it alone.
In a franchise like the Marvel Cinematic Universe there is a risk that skipping a film could impact on the overall arc of stories. This one can easily be skipped without any real loss.
Ultimately, SPIDER-MAN 2 is long, slow and harmless. At its end we discover the identity of the next Green Goblin. Other than that, watch it for completion sake.
No drama, no surprises.
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by Ali Kayn |
Just the facts:Title: Spider-man 2 (2004) The Players: Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst Official website: IMDb entry For session times of current films, use the cinema listings on the Movie links page. For scheduled release dates, see the coming attractions section. For more information about this movie, check out the internet movie database. |