Errick Nunnally
answers the Usual Questions

Errick Nunnally (photo Jackie Pauley)
Errick Nunnally, according to his site, "always strives to develop his strengths in storytelling and remains permanently distracted by art, comics, science fiction, history, and horror. Trained as a graphic designer, he is a black belt in Krav Maga with Muay Thai kickboxing mixed in."
Has your interaction with fans, for example, at conventions, affected your work?
Not exactly. I was struck by the diversity of the crowds at Book Expo America and how many folks of different ethnic backgrounds got in line for my book and others from my publisher.
It felt good in a field that has, for years, been overwhelmingly dominated by a single group and mostly men. There were one or two interactions while signing that clearly demonstrated that the feeling was mutual.
Is there any particular incident (a letter, a meeting, a comment that stands out?
One young woman asked with a deadly serious face before walking away, "Does this have an ending or is it a cliffhanger?" Full disclosure: it ends, but there is a sequel.
Do you have a favourite author or book (or writer or film or series) that has influenced you or that you return to?
One of my most favored authors is David Gerrold. If he's not already, he should be a grandmaster of sci-fi. As much as I dig his writing and love the genre, I've rarely written in it. Still, the skill Gerrold has applied to his writing -- both technical and creative -- are an inspiration for me.
Who is the person you would most like to be trapped in a lift with? or a spaceship?
I'd say my wife, but if I were trapped, I'd need her to rescue me. So, no one. I'm rarely alone -- and I enjoy being alone -- and that'd be a golden opportunity to listen to myself think. At least in an elevator. The whole spaceship thing would mean I was going to die shortly.
Who is the person you would most DISlike to be trapped in a lift with? Or a spaceship?
Pick a religious zealot or any American politician. Given that situation and little prospect of rescue, I'd have to resort to murder.
What would you pack for space? (Is there a food, beverage, book, teddy bear, etc that you couldn't do without?)
A fully-loaded Kindle would do the trick, I think, if I had to pick a single item. Barring the existence of a laser weapon of some sort. I know THEY would be coming.
What is the most important thing you would like to get/achieve from your work?
A great number of people reading and enjoying it. (Giving me money for it would cool too.
What is the special satisfaction of your work?
For far too many years, I had all these ideas banging around in my head. I started composing comics when I was 8 or 9 and never stopped coming up with stories. I denied that for too long and now it is a great satisfaction to not only create, but to share with some confidence.
submitted by Errick Nunnally
6 August 2014
For other answers to The Usual Questions Click here
Just the facts:
Born: Liar. A congenital condition I actively resist
Resides: Most recently: Rhode Island, United States. I grew up in Boston, but the little ocean state is turning out to be really good for me.
Blood for the Sun (novel)
Doorways to Extra Time (anthology)
In Vein (charity anthology, St. Jude's Children's Research)
Wicked Seasons (anthology)
Inner Demons Out (anthology)
Dark World of the Spirits and the Fey (anthology)
After the Fall (anthology)
Winter Animals (charity anthology, PROTECT)
Lost In Transition (comic strip)
I haven't the desire to pay attention to awards. Yet.
Web site:
Amazon author page

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