K. Ceres Wright
answers the Usual Questions

K. Ceres Wright
Has your interaction with fans, for example, at conventions, affected your work?
Science fiction fans are very intelligent, which I already knew. But when I appeared on panels at a recent Capclave, I discovered the vast array of topics that fans, as well as other writers, wanted to know about. So I have to try and keep up with technological advances, genre-specific norm changes, hot topics in the industry, and try to incorporate that information in my writing and promoting.
Is there any particular incident (a letter, a meeting, a comment that stands out?
Fans on Amazon reviews have been amazing, and I'm always touched when people say they normally don't read science fiction, or cyberpunk, but loved my book and want to read more in the genre.
Do you have a favourite author or book (or writer or film or series) that has influenced you or that you return to?
William Gibson wrote the seminal work in cyberpunk, Neuromancer, and I love his writing, but there's also K.W. Jeter, Richard K. Morgan, and Nalo Hopkinson.
Who is the person you would most like to be trapped in a lift with? or a spaceship?
Fictional person would be Captain Kirk. I grew up with Star Trek and at the time, it seemed more than a mere TV show. It was almost a documentary about an actual star ship.
Real person, dead, would be either Henri Matisse or Antonio Vivaldi, because I love their work. Alive would be President Barack Obama. I would love to hear his perspective on where the U.S. will be in the next 50 years or so, as cyberpunk usually deals with the near future.
Who is the person you would most DISlike to be trapped in a lift with? Or a spaceship?
Donald Sterling.
What would you pack for space? (Is there a food, beverage, book, teddy bear, etc that you couldn't do without?)
I would pack a Bible, several rounds of Brie cheese, a few gallons of sweet tea, and a laptop for writing.
What is the most important thing you would like to get/achieve from your work?
I like learning from other authors and would love to participate in collaborative works with them. I'm working on one now with Rachael Pruitt, the award-winning author of The Dragon's Harp. She writes Arthurian stories, so it's an interesting mix.
What is the special satisfaction of your work?
Getting people to think differently about the way the world could work in the next 60 or so years.
submitted by K. Ceres Wright
18 July 2014
For other answers to The Usual Questions Click here
Just the facts:
Born: Anchorage, Alaska
Resides: Upper Marlboro, Maryland
Cog; Doomed in Starline (poem nominated for a Rhysling award); Cyberpunk Remastered in Many Genres, One Craft; The Haunting of M117 in Genesis: An Anthology of the Black Science Fiction Society; Choices in Hazard Yet Forward; several blog posts for Amazing Stories.
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