Lilian Jackson Braun Series
The Cat Who Detects/Qwilleran and Koko
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The adventures continue.
click here for page one, an introduction to the Jim Qwilleran Cat Who mysteries.

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submitted by Ali Kayn
The Cat Who Lived High, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Lived High
Qwill and the cats return to Down Below to live in, and possibly restore, a great old Art Deco building.
The usual mix of eccentric characters fill the pages as Qwill and Koko investigate the mysterious disappearance of art dealer Dianne Bessinger.
Note: in this book Qwill finds amusement harassing a woman in a lift. LJB loses points for her male-indulgence at the best of times. By this volume the gushing about moustaches has become tiresome and his unworthy behaviour together with a fascination for young women is unattractive to put it nicely.
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The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Knew a Cardinal
Qwill and his feline companions move into a renovated apple barn and Koko makes the acquaintance of a Cardinal.
When the high school principal is found dead in Qwill's orchard the investigative pair -- Koko and Qwill find their respective whiskers twitching, a sure sign that they are about take on another killer.
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The Cat Who Moved a Mountain, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Moved a Mountain
The required five years have passed and Qwill has come into his inheritance. He takes the cats off to the Potato Mountains, a mountain-top retreat, and another murder to solve.
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The Cat Who Wasn't There, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Wasn't There
Moose County's finest citizens embark on a trip to Scotland.
They discover heather, castles and an overabundance of shortbread. Can Qwill solve the mystery and protect his beloved librarian Polly Duncan without Koko at his side?
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The Cat Who Went Into the Closet, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Went Into the Closet
Their new temporary home in the Gage mansion gives Koko and Yum Yum "the paw" an endless source of amusement in the many junk-filled closets.
Qwill enlists a distant elderly lady -- Mrs Robinson to help him solve recent and long-ago mysteries.
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The Cat Who Came to Breakfast, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Came to Breakfast
Pear Island is renamed Breakfast Island by a group of developers. The inhabitants -- the wealthy in their mansions and the descendents of shipwrecked sailors are assailed by t-shirt wearing tourists and the overwhelming smell of fudge.
Qwill and the cats visit Lori and her husband in their B and B only to find themselves at the centre of mystery and mayhem.
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The Cat Who Blew the Whistle, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Blew the Whistle
Floyd, president of Lumbertown Credit Union in Sawdust City and railway fan launches the Lumbertown Party Train. The champagne bubbles had hardly flattened when he disappears apparently to avoid bank examiners.
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The Cat Who Said Cheese, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Said Cheese
The Great Food Explo launches new restaurants and food shops, but as always murder is in the offing.
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The Cat Who Tailed a Thief, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Tailed a Thief
A spate of petty thefts culminates in murder.
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The Cat Who Sang for the Birds, Lilian Jackson Braun |
The Cat Who Sang for the Birds
Moose County's new art centre is surrounded in controversy, life studies, parrots, breakins, and over the road old Mrs Coggin's home is first vandalised and then burnt down.
It's up to Qwill and Koko to solve the mystery and save the day.
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There's more Page 1 Books 1 - 10; Page 2 Books 11 - 20
; Page 3 Books 21 -
An excellent article on the series and the inspiration for Koko's name:
A Cat Named Kao K'o Kung.
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