Crown Casino
Southbank, Melbourne, Australia

The Crown Casino complex sprawls along the south bank of the Yarra River between Southgate and the Melbourne Convention Centre. Its subterranean depths house an enormous car park where, rumour has it, guests to the opening ceremony still wander searching for their cars.

At river level, restaurants overlook the walk, an assortment of statuary and fountains and the river. Melbourne's city centre faces it across the slow moving water. Batman Park, opposite, is now home to a helipad, somewhat noisy, but not too busy.
Along the internal promenade of the casino complex are specialty shops ranging from Versace and other designer labels, Smarter Image through to Warner Bros enormous stock of merchandise and animation cels.
A food court offers less expensive 24-hour food and drink while a variety of more expensive restaurants keep their kitchens open until 10 p.m. or 11 p.m. Food and drink are also available within the Casino.
The Casino complex is a Smoking-permitted venue, and visitors to the casino proper should take this into account.

Interior of the Crown Casino complex
In an upper level along with the box office for the Village Crown's 24 theatres are themed night spots -- the All Star Café and Planet Hollywood. At the Village Crown several theatres are steeply ramped and feature high-backed seats. Gold pass audiences have recliner chairs and bar facilities and munchies from the restaurants below.

Melbourne Crown Casino, with Melbourne Exhibition Centre in the background. The rectangular columns in the foreground are surmounted with gas jets which release orchestrated bursts of flame on schedule. Apart from the promenade, another good vantage point for the flame show is Rialto Towers.
Guidebook entryExhibition & Convention Centre