Town with a Golden History
Bendigo is a charming and elegant regional city in central Victoria and an ideal base to explore Victoria's golden heritage. In the centre of town, gold rush era architecture nestles among century-old gardens, sidewalk cafes, art galleries and antique stores.
source: www.visitvictoria.com

Golden Dragon Museum, Bendigo; photo 2007 City of Greater Bendigo courtesy Tourism Victoria

Chinese Temple - Bendigo; photo Ken Stepnell 2001 courtesy Tourism Victoria
WineriesVisit Goldfields
Rosalind Park
Bendigo Art Gallery
Bendigo Gold Walk
Golden Dragon Museum
Bendigo Joss House (house of Prayer), the oldest Chinese temple in Australia

Chinese Joss House Bendigo; photo James Lauritz courtesy Tourism Victoria
Just the facts:
Bendigo Visitor Information Centre
Bendigo Rural City
Visit Victoria
Getting there: Two hours from Melbourne on the Calder Highway. Trains operate daily services to Bendigo

Chinese Gardens, Bendigo; photo Peter Dunphy 2006 courtesy Tourism Victoria